
The holiday homes are indiviually furnished by the property owners. That is why it can be possible that there are often childrens toys around, which your children can use during your stay.

Each holiday home will have the basic supplies such as glasses, cutlery and dishes. Cooking utensils will also be there, as well as a basic supply of oil, vinegar and spices. Additional things such as micro waves, toasters and electric kettles depend on the property.

We ask you to leave the apartment or house in the same condition as you found it in at your arrival. Please take care, that for example dishes are cleaned before you departure and that the apartment is tidy.

If there is anything missing during your stay or if something is not working, please let us know and we will find a solution.

Gas supply

In Italy it is common that you cook with a gas stove. The gas supply comes from a gas bottle, which is mostly found outside of the arparment/house. If you notice that the gas is running oout or that the bottle is empty, please contact us through phone or Whats App and we will immediatly change it.

Electric Supply

Different than in many other European countries, the maximum electricity amount that can be used is limited to a special amount of 3kW. So it may happen that, for example, with simultaneous use of oven and dishwasher, the fuse is triggered and the power fails.

In this case, please reduce the amount of electricity used through turnig off one or more electricity consumers and afterwards turn on the fuse again.

Your Stay

In Golfo Aranci and the city of Olbia (including Bados and Pittulongu), the garbage needs to be strictly seperated and recycled.

The garbage will be picked up every day, where each day a different garbage category will be collected. This happens mostly early in the morning. Therefore it would be best if the waste bin is placed in front of the door or the collection place the evening before after 22:00. Please take notice of the garbage collection calender, which you will find in your holiday home.

  • Uniform Emergency number (Numero unico emergenze) 112
  • Police (Polizia di Stato) 113
  • Fire department (Vigili del fuoco) 115
  • Emergency doctor (Emergenza sanitaria)118
  • Roadside assistance (Soccorso Stradale) 116
  • Ocean emergency service (Soccorso in Mare) +39 1530
  • Credit card blocking number Medical care in case of illness +49 116 116
  • Guardia turistica di Golfo Aranci; Via Libertà 129, 07020 Golfo Aranci OT; Tel.: 0789 552075
  • Guardia turistica di Olbia: Viale Aldo Moro c/o struttura sanitaria San Giovanni di Dio - 07026 Olbia; Tel. 0789 552266 The "Guardia Medica Turistica" is usually open from June to September 24 hours. For the treatment or a medical prescription a practice fee of 15,00 € will be charged.

Hospital Olbia: Ospedale Giovanni Paolo II; Via Bazzoni - Sircana, 07026 Località Tannaule, Olbia; Tel.: +39 0789 552200

Pharmacy Golfo Aranci: Farmacia Cabras; Via Libertà 87, 07020 Golfo Aranci OT; Monday - Saturday.: 09:00-12:45 o’clock and 16:30-20:00 o’clock ; Tel.: 0789 46510

Important Informations